Volunteer Opportunities

  • Nursery

    If you want to help out by serving once every six weeks in our nursery, please email our Nursery Coordinator, Samantha Hoffart. Note: you will need to pass a background check and complete a training to serve on this team.

  • Hospitality

    If you would like to help make Providence a welcoming place by making coffee and placing our signs, email our Head Barista, Kris Decker.

  • Greeters

    If you are a friendly person and are interested in welcoming people to worship on a rotating basis, email our Chief Greeter, Brett Nelius.

  • Nursery Setup

    Maybe you want to help the kids, but would prefer to serve in a less intense way. No problem, you can help us setup and teardown our nursery! Email Samantha Hoffart, our Nursery Coordinator.

  • Production

    If you know the difference between an XLR and an instrument cable, sincerely love gaff tape, and/or enjoy the pressure of running lyrics for a room full of people, you should probably be on our Production Team. Email our Director of Production, Thomas Greer to find out more.

  • Music

    If you have a musical gift that you believe would help us accompany our congregation, email our Music Director, Ben Sieben. Note: an interview and an informal audition is required to serve on this team.