Our Leadership

Providence Church is a congregational church that is led by a plurality of elders. This means that under the Lordship of Jesus, the authority of this church rests in the gathered members. The members are led by multiple elders (or pastors) who are chosen for that office by the members. We also see that the Scriptures direct us to choose deacons to help meet the needs of the congregation. Our Confession of Faith explains it further:

“A local church, gathered and fully organized according to the mind of Christ, consists of officers and members. The officers appointed by Christ are overseers or elders, and deacons. They are to be chosen and set apart by the church called and gathered in this way, for the distinctive purpose of administering ordinances and for carrying out any other power or duty Christ entrusts them with or calls them to. This pattern is to be continued to the end of the age… Christ has appointed the way to call someone prepared and gifted by the Holy Spirit to the office of overseer or elder in a church. He must be chosen by the collective vote of the church itself. He must then be solemnly set apart by fasting and prayer. The body of elders of the church must lay hands on him if there are any already in place. A deacon must be chosen by the same kind of vote and set apart by prayer and laying on of hands as well.” LBCF 26.8-9

As a church plant, we have not yet started an official membership, but we do have two pastors/elders to help us get started. Once we begin meeting for worship, we will be open to accepting new members who will soon appoint deacons and additional elders, Lord willing.

Michael Brady

Michael grew up in Brazoria, Texas, a small town south of Houston. At a young age, he was invited to church by a friend from school and came to faith in Christ. He and his lovely wife Nina have four children: Taelor, M.D., Molly, and John. Michael studied music theory at Houston Baptist University and received his Master of Divinity from The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. Michael has been serving in professional ministry for almost 20 years. He was ordained to gospel ministry at Houston’s First Baptist Church and also served on staff at Grace Bible Church Houston before being sent out to plant Providence. Michael enjoys playing music, talking theology, and spending time on the patio with friends.

Email Michael

L.J. Decker

L.J. was born and raised in the Houston area and has lived in Katy for most of his life. He was raised in a Christian home and professed faith at an early age. He and his wife Kristen are raising seven beautiful children: Danny, Franky, Gideon, Jacqueline, Reagan, Emma, and Molly. L.J. studied political science and economics from Texas A&M University. After graduating, he moved to Washington D.C. to earn a Juris Doctorate from Georgetown University Law Center. L.J. is passionate about orphan care and Christian education. He is currently pursuing a Master of Divinity from International Reformed Baptist Seminary. In his free time, he enjoys discussing politics, reading, and long road trips.

Email L.J.